News from the BIF

News about our fellows and alumni
Would you like to find out what is going on around the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) network? Here, you will find news about major awards, grants, and appointments, for example. In the print version of the BIF’s Futura journal, you will find a larger selection of news items.
Did you receive an award? Have you been selected as a new member of the EMBO? Or have you changed positions? Please let us know.
2024 News
The BIF network creates synergies: An ERC Synergy Grant has gone to our fellows Herwig Baier and Rainer Friedrich for their joint project “Neuronal Implementation of Cognitive Maps for Navigation”. Further partners are Jennifer Li and Drew Robson. The 10 million euro grant will fund a six-year study on how zebrafish represent their environment internally – a project that could reshape our understanding of intelligence.
Professor Herwig Baier: MPI for Biological Intelligence, Martinsried, Germany, Fellowship: 1991–1994
Professor Rainer Friedrich: Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI), Basel, Switzerland, Fellowship: 1995–1997
Aldo Faisal was named a member of the German Ethics Council by the president of the German Parliament for his expertise in AI, neuroscience, and digital health. The members of the council serve in an honorary capacity for a period of four years and can be reappointed no more than once. They hold scientific, medical, theological, philosophical, ethical, social,
economic, and legal expertise. In addition to scientists from the above-mentioned fields, the council also consists of members who are particularly familiar with ethical issues in the life sciences and reflect the diversity of opinions in society.
Professor Aldo Faisal: Imperial College London, UK and University of Bayreuth, Germany, Fellowship: 2000–2003
Christoph Thaiss has been named Core Investigator at the Arc Institute. Its programmes support ambitious and collaborative research across disciplines. Arc gives scientists no-strings-attached, multi-year funding and invests in developing experimental and computational technologies. This allows Arc researchers to pursue curiosity-driven research into their boldest ideas at a level often not possible in traditional academic settings. Headquartered in Palo Alto, California, Arc is a nonprofit organization founded on the belief that many important scientific programmes can be enabled by new organizational models. Arc operates in partnership with Stanford University, UCSF, and UC Berkeley.
Professor Christoph Thaiss: University of Pennsylvania, USA, Fellowship: 2013–2015
Another four BIF fellows were awarded an ERC Starting Grant. The selected projects are Rebecca Jordan’s “Mechanisms of Cortical Predictive Learning”, Attya Omer’s “Harnessing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Breakthroughs to Pioneer Advances in Transplantation Therapies”, Colinda Scheele’s “Probing the Malignant Potential of Mutant Clones in Healthy Mammary Tissue by Successive Mutagenesis”, and Michael Dolan’s “MicroDissect: Dissection of Microglial State Biology in Brain Repair”. Michael has also been appointed assistant professor in Trinity’s School of Genetics and Microbiology at the University of Dublin.
Ass. Professor Michael Dolan: Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Fellowship: 2012–2014
Rebecca Jordan: The University of Edinburgh, UK, Fellowship: 2014–2016
Attya Omer: San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene Therapy, Milano, Italy, Fellowship: 2015–2017
Professor Colinda Scheele: VIB KU Leuven, Center for Cancer Biology, Leuven, Belgium, Fellowship: 2015–2017
In its 60th anniversary year, EMBO elected 100 new members and 20 associate members to join its community among them Emre Yaksi. His group studies sensory computations in the vertebrate forebrain using zebra fish. The now more than 2,100 members (among them more than 30 BIF fellows) guide the execution of the EMBO programmes and activities, for example by evaluating funding applications, serving on the EMBO Council and committees, and contributing to initiatives such as training, policy, outreach, and mentorship.
Professor Emre Yaksi: Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience, Trondheim, Norway, Fellowship: 2004–2006
In 2024, two additional ERC Advanced Grants were awarded to our fellows, one for Ralph Bock’s project “PlaMitEng: Plant Mitochondrial Genome Engineering: Technology Development and Application to Study Fundamental Aspects of Mitochondrial Gene Expression”, and the other for Jan Ellenberg’s “MITOFOLD: Revealing the Structure and Mechanism of Mitotic Chromosome Folding Inside the Cell”. This is Jan’s second Advanced Grant. He has also been appointed the new director of the SciLife Lab and professor at Karolinska Institutet as well as affiliated professor at Stockholm University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
Professor Ralph Bock: MPI of Molecular Plant Physiology, Golm, Germany, Fellowship: 1993–1996
Professor Jan Ellenberg: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Fellowship: 1995–1998
Among the 102 ERC Proof of Concept Grants from the last round of 2023, there is also another BIF fellow: Volker Bormuth with his project “MIOBAS: Method for Integrated All-Optical Biological Analysis at Scale”. Each grant is worth €150,000 and helps ERC grantees to bridge the gap between the results of their pioneering research and the early phases of its commercialisation.
Professor Volker Bormuth: Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, Fellowship: 2005–2008
2023 News
Florian Schmidt was granted an ERC Consolidator Grant for his project: “DEFLAMMATION: Negative Regulation of Inflammatory Responses Revealed with Camelid Nanobodies”. He has also appointed Professor for Immunology of Infections at the University Hospital in Bonn, Germany. His group studies molecular mechanisms of innate immune and inflammatory responses and does comparative studies with multiple viruses using customized nanobodies.
Professor Floran Schmidt: University Hospital Bonn, Germany, Fellowship: 2008–2010
A total of 103 institutions from across the globe nominated their star PhD for the 2023 International Birnstiel Award for Doctoral Studies in Molecular Life Sciences. The prize is now in its fifth year and has become one of the most competitive awards of its kind. Three of the six awards went to BIF fellows: Ida Jentoft, Arien Schiepers, and Stanislau Yatskevich. No more words necessary
Ida Jentoft: Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria, Fellowship: 2019–2022
Arien Schiepers: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA, Fellowship: 2018–2020
Stansilau Yatskevich: Genentech, Inc., South San Francisco, USA, Fellowship: 2019–2022
In October 2023, Barbara Treutlein was awarded an ERC Synergy Grant for the project “AxoBrain: Mapping the Axolotl Brain and Its Regeneration”. Her co-grantees are Elly Tanaka and Kevin Briggmann. In the words of ERC President Maria Leptin, “The selected projects are shining examples of audacious scientific thinking.” Synergy Grants are meant for projects
deemed too complex for a single group and therefore fund groups of outstanding researchers to pool their skills. At about the same time, Barbara was also co-awarded the Jubilee Prize worth 250,000 Swiss francs by the Max Cloëtta Foundation for outstanding achievements and active research in the field of biomedicine.
Professor Barbara Treutlein: ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland, Fellowship: 2009–2010
In a festive ceremony in Berlin, Leif Ludwig has been awarded the Heinz Maier Leibnitz Prize of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG). It is Germany’s most important junior research award and now comes with 200,000 euros for further research.
Leif Ludwig: Berlin Institute of Health and Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, Germany, MD fellowship: 2011–2012
Edward Lemke has been elected fellow of the Biophysical Society in the US in honour of his outstanding scientific excellence in regard to the function of intrinsically disordered proteins and his contributions to furthering the field of biophysics. Founded in 1958, the society currently consists of over 7,000 members in academia, government, and industry around the world.
Professor Edward Lemke: Institute for Molecular Biology (IMB), University of Mainz, Germany, Fellowship: 2003–2005
In September 2023, three BIF fellows received an ERC Starting Grant. They are among the approx. 15% of successful applicants to receive roughly 1.5 million euros each. Hauke Hillen’s project is “MitoRNA: Structural Studies of the Human Mitochondrial RNA Life Cycle”, Lukas Mager’s is called “SOAR: Systematic Triangulation of Pathobiont-Host–Interactions”, and Magdalene Schlesiger’s is called “Drugs and Memory: How Do Drug-Associated Contexts Drive Behaviour? The Role of Entorhinal Circuitry in Addiction”.
Professor Hauke Hillen: University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany, Fellowship: 2014–2016
Lukas Mager: University Hospital of Tübingen, Germany, Fellowship: 2012–2014
Magdalene Schlesiger: Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany, Fellowship: 2011–2014
Marianne Boes is the lead scientist for the research consortium CLARITY (Causative Link between respirAtory syncytial viRus and chronic lung diseases: Identifying Targets for therapY), which has been funded by the European Commission with a grant of 7 million euros. Pascal Falter-Braun from Helmholtz Munich is also part of the research team.
Professor Marianne Boes: University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Fellowship: 1998–2000
Professor Pascal Falter-Braun: Helmholtz Munich, Neuherberg, Germany, Fellowship: 1996–1999
Michael Krieg’s project “ES LowLiteScope: A Light-Efficient Microscope for Fast Volumetric Imaging of Photon Starved Samples”is being funded with one of the 66 Proof-of-Concept Grants of this round.. This project aims to develop a light-efficient microscope for fast volumetric imaging of photon starved samples. Currently, commercial solutions for bioluminescence imaging suffer from low spatiotemporal resolution, due to photon-starved samples. LowLiteScope aims to overcome these limitations by radically redesigning the optical path, data acquisition and post processing based on artificial intelligence.
Professor Michel Krieg: The Institute of Photonic Sciences, Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain, Fellowship: 2006–2008
Michael Rapé is one of nine researchers elected as associate member of EMBO. He is based in California and is recognized for his work on protein degradation in development
and disease. Members provide guidance and support for EMBO activities, for example by evaluating funding applications and serving on EMBO Council and Committees.
Professor Michael Rapé: University of California, Berkeley, USA, Fellowship: 2001–2002
Christine Selhuber-Unkel has received the Lautenschläger Research Prize 2023. Every two years, the prize honours special accomplishments in leading-edge research by scientists connected to Heidelberg University. Christine was recognized for her outstanding research on biohybrid, life-inspired microsystems, which researchers hope will lead to “living materials”.
Professor Christine Selhuber-Unkel: Heidelberg University, Germany, Fellowship: 2004–2006
Ivan Dikic has received the 2023 Louis-Jeantet Prize for Medicine for his contributions to our understanding of the functions of ubiquitin and the mechanisms of ubiquitination. He shares the award with Brenda Schulman. Established in 1986, the prize recognizes completed work and aims to encourage innovative research projects in biomedical research. Of the prize money of 500,000 Swiss francs, 90% goes to fund ongoing research, while 10% goes to the researcher personally.
Professor Ivan Dikic: University of Frankfurt, Germany, Postdoctoral award: 1997
Two of this year’s 218 ERC Advanced Grants – highly prestigious, competitive grants worth about 2.5 million euros – went to the BIF fellows Alexander Meissner and Sarah Teichmann, who are thus among the 13.2% of applicants to secure funding. In his project “CancerEpigenome: Dissecting the Cancer Epigenome – Fundamental Lessons from Developmental Biology”, Alexander will study biochemical, genetic, and physiological aspects of the placenta and cancer epigenomes,
which are strikingly similar. Using self-developed techniques and methods, he will investigate the specific molecular switches in the epigenome of the placenta,
which are likely to also exist in the cancer epigenome. In her project “ThyDesign: Learning from the Thymic Human Cell Atlas for T Cell Engineering”, Sarah will create a 3D cell atlas of the thymus to understand the external and internal influences in the microenvironment of the thymus that govern the process of T cell differentiation. She hopes the findings will advance T cell engineering, which has huge potential not only as a research tool, but also in medical applications such as immunotherapy. Sarah has also been awarded the 2023 FEBS-EMBO Women in Science Award by the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) and EMBO in honour of her outstanding contributions to the life sciences, particularly in protein assembly, regulation of gene expression, and single-cell phenotyping. The award also recognizes Sarah as an inspiring role model for women in science.
Professor Alexaner Meissner: MPI for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, Fellowship: 2003–2005
Professor Sarah Teichmann: Welcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK, Fellowship: 1997–1999
MD fellow Leif S. Ludwig has received the 2023 Paul Ehrlich and Ludwig Darmstaedter Young Investigator Award for developing a new method to analyse the lifelong regeneration of cells in human blood, which is up to 1,000 times quicker, more reliable, and less expensive. With it, researchers can now determine the activity of single blood stem cells in humans with little effort. The award comes with 60,000 euros for research.
Leif Ludwig: Berlin Institute of Health and Max Delbrück Center, Berlin, Germany, MD fellowship: 2011–2012
Three BIF fellows have received ERC Consolidator Grants. These mid-career grants come with up to two million euros in funding over a period of five years. The 2022 call attracted 2,222 proposals, 321 of which received a total of 657 million euros, making for a success rate of about 14%. In his project “ChromaDYN: Quantitative Multimodal Pulse-and-Label Time-Resolved Chromatin Maps”, Simon Elsässer will study questions of embryonal development such as how cells determine – and later remember – which line of development to follow, how different cell identities are encoded, and how the right genes are turned on and off at the right time. In his project “ArtRNA – Artificial RNA Regulators to Probe, Control, and Design Gene Regulatory Networks in Bacteria”, Kai Papenfort will develop artificial sRNA molecules to intervene in the genetics of bacteria and study the molecular mechanisms of microbial gene expression. He aims to understand gene functions and regulation circles in organisms in general and systematically investigate the response to antibiotics in pathogenic bacteria. Milka Sarris has received funding for her project “LongWayFromFlam: The Uncharted Journeys of Inflammatory Cells and their Functional Implications”. She will use zebrafish to study which cellular signals tell leukocytes to travel to the site of an infection, how these cells distinguish between healthy and inflamed tissue, and how their number is regulated at their destination to avoid an overshooting inflammatory response.
Assoc. Professor Simon Elsässer: Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Fellowship: 2008–2010
Professor Kai Papenfort: University of Jena, Germany, Fellowship: 2006–2008
Ass. Professor Milka Sarris: University of Cambrigde, UK, Fellowship: 2003–2006
2022 News
In the last round of 2022, Julia Kamenz has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant for her project “Cell cycle in vitro”. She wants to dissect the molecular mechanism of one of the most fundamental biological clocks: the cell cycle clock, which underlies and drives cell divisions. In a novel approach, she will isolate the individual parts of the cell cycle machinery and systematically assemble them into a ‘ticking’ cell cycle clock.
Professor Julia Kamenz, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, Fellowship: 2009–2001
Three BIF fellows have received ERC Proof-of-Concept (PoC) Grants, which come with 150,000 euros over a period of 1.5 years and enable grantees to explore the commercial or societal potential of ideas arising from projects previously funded by an ERC Simon Elsässer has been awarded his second PoC Grant for the project “hmqPro: Highly Multiplexed, Quantitative Protein Biomarker Profiling”. Grants also went to Ludger Johannes for his project “Lectibodies to Eliminate Tumours” and to Michael Sieweke for “ONCOMAC: allogeneic Macrophages for Cancer Therapy”. This was the first time these latter two researchers won such grants.
Professor Simon Elsässer, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Fellowship: 2008–2010
Professor Ludger Johannes, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Fellowship: 1993–1995
Professor Michael Sieweke, Technical University Dresden, Germany, Fellowship: 1991–1992
Two BIF fellows have been elected as EMBO members. In 2022, 67 outstanding life scientists working in 22 different countries were honoured in this way, joining a community of more than 1,900 leading life scientists. Barbara Treutlein uses single-cell genomic, imaging, and computational tools to dissect human organoid formation and to understand how processes fail in human disease. She is also attempting to engineer better organoid models. Edward Lemke develops innovative techniques using synthetic and chemical biology in order to study the biological dynamics of intrinsically disordered proteins at high temporal and spatial resolution.
Professor Barbara Treutlein, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Fellowship: 2009–2010
Professor Edward Lemke Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, Germany, Fellowship: 2003–2005

As of 1 July 2022, Dr Stephan Formella and Marc Wittstock have taken over the helm of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds, Foundation for basic research in medicine (BIF) from Dr Claudia Walther. The two new managing directors split the responsibilities: Dr Stephan Formella is the Managing Director Science & Research and Marc Wittstock is the Managing Director Finance & Administration. In this constellation, they have already been working for one of BIF’s sister foundations, the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIS), since the middle of 2020.
Claudia Walther, herself an alumna of BIF’s PhD fellowship programme, has been with BIF for 23 years, 14 of those as its managing director. During this time, she has most successfully developed the BIF and its excellency programmes further and has played a decisive role in its professionalization. Moreover, her extensive scientific expertise together with her great personal dedication to the needs and interests of BIF’s fellows, have ensured that despite of BIF’s steady growth, the personal contact and the individual support of its young talents have always remained at the core of BIF.
Since July 2020, Stephan Formella has been Managing Director Science & Research of the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation (BIS). Before joining the foundation sector, the physician and pharmacologist has successfully served in different positions in global development and medicine at the Boehringer Ingelheim company, most recently as group leader in translational medicine.
Marc Wittstock has been Managing Director Finance & Administration of the BIS since May 2020. He spent the first 10 years of his career in banking, being a certified bank clerk and having obtained a degree in economics. He then joined the Boehringer Ingelheim company, where he worked some 13 successful years in Finance & Controlling, among other things being responsible for external accounting. Most recently, he was Head of Corporate Treasury.
During the transition phase, the three managing directors have together planned and led several BIF seminars and conferences. During these, Stephan Formella and Marc Wittstock have become familiar with – and learned to greatly appreciate – the special, stimulating, and trustful atmosphere of BIF. They are committed to continuing and further developing BIF’s programmes. And they are very much looking forward to fostering outstanding research and to seeing the lively network of stipend holders and alumni grow further from its by now 1,700 fellows.
Florian Wilfling has been selected for an ERC Starting Grant and is one of around 400 grantees from more than 4,000 applicants. He will receive 1.5 million euros for his project “Intrinsic Autophagy Receptors: Identity and Cellular Mechanisms”, in which he will investigate how specific cargoes are collected in the cell and how this process is synchronized with autophagosome formation.
Florian Wilfling, Institute: MPI or Biophysics, Frankfurt, Germany Fellowship: 2009–2012
Two BIF alumni were among the 253 researchers to receive ERC Advanced Grants worth up to 2.5 million euros over five years. This was the third such award for both. A total of 1,735 proposals were submitted for the 2021 call, 625 million euros was disbursed, and the success rate was just below 15%. In his project “ER-REMODEL – Endoplasmic Reticulum Remodelling via ERPhagy Pathways”, Ivan Dikic aims to explore the novel idea that ubiquitin drives receptor clusters, which in turn ignite the process of membrane remodelling. In her project “Neuroheart – The "Cardiac Neurovascular Interface in Ageing”, Stephanie Dimmeler will study how nerves and blood vessels communicate in ageing hearts and why renewal lessens with age.
Professor Ivan Dikic, University of Frankfurt, Germany, Postdoctoral Award: 1997
Professor Stephanie Dimmeler, University of Frankfurt, Germany, Fellowship: 1991–1992
Three BIF fellows have received ERC Consolidator Grants. These are awarded to midcareer scientists and come with up to two million euros in funding for a five-year period. The 2021 call attracted 2,652 proposals, 313 of which were funded with a total of 632 million euros, making for a success rate of about 12%. Benjamin Judkewitz received a grant for his project “GlassBrain: Brain-Wide Processing and Whole-Body Biophysics of Directional Sound”. The researchers in his team aim to be the first to reveal the entire processing chain at the single-cell level from acoustic stimulus and mechanical transmission in the body to brain-wide neuronal activity. In his project “SwitchDecoding: Decoding the Path to Cellular Variation within Pathogen Populations”, Tim Nikolai Siegel will study the parasite responsible for sleeping sickness, Tryanosoma brucei, to understand the mechanisms that produce genetic variability in pathogen populations and those that enable pathogens to evade the immune defences of their host. The main objective of Marion Silies’ project “Adaptive Functions of Visual Systems” is to understand how the brain deals with rapidly changing light conditions and how it encodes self-motion. To do so, her team will develop genetic models not only of fruit flies, but also of other insects such as hover flies.
Professor Benjamin Judkewitz, Charité – Universitäts-medizin Berlin, Germany, Fellowship: 2006–2008
Professor Tim Nikolai Siegel, University of Munich (LMU), Germany, Fellowship: 2005–2008
Professor Marion Silies, University of Mainz, Germany, Fellowship: 2006–2008
The DFG (German Research Foundation) has accepted BIF fellows Michael Breckwoldt and Magdalene Schlesiger into its prestigious Emmy Noether group leadership programme. Michael wants to develop imaging methods and corresponding biomarkers to visualize and understand how invasive gliomas infiltrate the brain and how they react to different treatments. The title of his project is “Translational multimodality imaging of glioma hallmarks to assess the dynamics of the immune cell landscape and tumor cell invasion during targeted therapy”. Magdalene wants to characterize the neuronal signature of long-term memory formation in the lateral entorhinal cortex and to examine how the hippocampus and the ventral tegmental area interact to build long-term memory traces.
Micheal Breckwoldt, Heidelberg University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany, Fellowship: 2006–2007
Magdalene Schlesiger, Heidelberg University, Germany, Fellowship: 2011–2014
Matilde Galli has received an ERC Starting Grant for her project “Timing cell cycles in multicellular development”. She will study nematodes to investigate how their cells change their division patterns during development. She wants to map changes in gene activity and identify the molecules driving the changes as well as implement a new imaging platform to visualize and manipulate cell divisions in the gut in real time.
Matilde Galli, Hubrecht Institute, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Fellowhip: 2008–2010
2021 News
Kristin Tessmar-Raible and Karsten Weis have been elected as members of the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO). Kristin Tessmar-Raible wants to understand the molecular calendars that control how the behaviour and physiology of animals react to cues other than sunlight, such as seasons, tides, and phases of the moon. Karsten studies how the nucleus is organized, how material is transported across its membrane as well mRNA, transport, degradation and mRNA phase separation.
In 2021, 64 outstanding life scientists working in 21 different countries have been elected to the EMBO membership, joining the community of more than 1,800 leading life scientist.
Professor Kristin Tessmar-Raible, University of Vienna, Austria, Fellowship: 2001–2003
Professor Karsten Weis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, Fellowship: 1993–1995
Yohanns Bellaïche has received an ERC Advanced Grant for his project "Scaling-Sensitivity", aiming to study the developmental scaling of cell mechanosensitivity in epithelial tissues. All biological systems have to scale their organization and processes, such as physiology, gene expression, cell cycle etc., to their size. Yohanns will use recent developments in mechanical detection to understand how the cells regulate and sense cell size in epithelial tissues. They will look at different scales from the cytoskeleton to tissues as well as their changes over time from seconds to hours.
Yohanns Bellaïche, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Fellowhip: 1985–1989
Johannes has been named as fellow of the Royal Society New South Wales, Australia. This recognises his significant and valued contributions to food science and the translation of his work from academia to industry.
Prof. Johannes Le Coutre, University of New South Wales, New South Wales, Australia, Fellowship: 1992–1995
2020 News
Frauke Gräter and Christine Selhuber-Unkel have each been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant: Frauke wants to find out how proteins are designed to withstand mechanical forces. Such stress is known to rupture chemical bonds, producing so-called mechanoradicals. Frauke will study whether such radicals influence the ageing of collagen in our body. As of 2021, she also takes on the position as Scientific Director of the HITS for two years, a rotating position as well as join the Editorial Board of “Biophysical Journal.”
Christine’s project “Photomechanical writing of cell functions” (PHOTOMECH) aims at regulating cell functions through external physical forces. To this end, she combines photoswitchable materials with a complex optical system that uses intensive laser light pulses. This laser is intended to be used as a “pen” to write cell functions in three dimensions and to enable the growth of cell tissues. This is already her fifth ERC grant.
Professor Frauke Gräter, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS) and Heidelberg University, Germany, Fellowship: 2002–2005
Professor Selhuber-Unkel, Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering (IMSE), Heidelberg University, Germany, Fellowship: 2004–2006
Detlef Weigel leads a team from Germany, France, and the US that has been awarded one of the prestigious and highly competitive ERC Synergy Grants for the project PATHOCOM. They will use the 10 million euros to discover how pathogens team up to cause disease. They will study how frequent different types of interactions between microbes are, and how ecology and genetics alter them. The team will infect Arabidopsis thaliana plants with almost 200.000 combinations of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacterial strains, and measure who is helped by co-infection and who is not.
Detlef has also been awarded the 2020 Novozymes Prize, endowed with 3 million Danish kroner (approx. 400,000 euros) by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The prize recognizes the outstanding research he has undertaken throughout his career, which has advanced plant research and spurred the development of innovative biotechnological solutions to breed improved crops and feed the world.
Professor Detlef Weigel, MPI for Developmental Biology, Tübingen, Germany, Fellowship: 1987–1988
Our MD programme alumnus Leif S. Ludwig has been awarded an Emmy Noether Group leader fellowship by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG – German Research Foundation) to study stem cell dynamics and mitochondrial genetics in hematopoiesis. His group is one of four junior research groups forming the Focus Area for 'Single cell approaches for personalized medicine’ jointly supported by the BIMSB/Max Delbrueck Center (MDC) and the BIH/Charité to bring state-of-the-art single cell multi-omic technologies into clinical application.
Leif Ludwig, MD, Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) and Berlin Institute of Medical Systems Biology (BIMSB), Berlin, Germany, Fellowship: 2011–2012
Two BIF fellows have received prestigious ERC Starting Grants worth 1.5 million euros: Maria Hondele will use hers to investigate how certain non-membrane bound organelles assemble and function, selectively accumulate macromolecules, and control the fate of messenger RNAs.
Oleg Simakov will investigate and characterize modes of genome evolution during major transitions in animal evolution on multiple levels of genome organization. He will focus particularly on the enigmatic clades of cephalopods using the emerging model organism Euprymna scolopes (the Hawaiian bobtail squid).
Professor Maria Hondele, University of Geneva, Switzerland, Fellowship: 2008–2011
Assist. Professor Oleg Simakov, University of Vienna, Austria, Fellowship: 2008–2011
Our board member Andreas Barner has received the highest distinction bestowed by the German government for services to society:
the Federal Cross of Merit, First Class. It honours his outstanding contributions to the business community and science. When presenting the award, Malu Dreyer, minister president of Rhineland-Palatinate, emphasized Barner’s energy and unwavering support for young researchers.
Professor Andreas Barner, C.H. Boehringer Sohn AG & Co. KG, Ingelheim am Rhein, Chairman of BIF's Executive Board
Simon Elsässer has received a Proof-of-Concept Grant worth 150,000 euros from the ERC for his project “Highly Multiplexed, Quantitative Epigenetic Profiling”. These grants allow researchers to explore the commercial potential of work they have done as part of a previous ERC grant. Simon has also been accepted into the 7th Generation of Future Research Leaders, a programme funded by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research. Providing 12 million Swedish kronor (approx. 1.16 million euros) over a period of five years, it supports and promotes young scholars who have the aptitude to become future leaders of academic and/or industrial research in Sweden.
Professor Simon Elsässer, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Fellowship: 2008–2010
Sarah Teichmann has been elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society, the UK’s most prestigious scientific organisation. The fellowship recognises her outstanding contribution to scientific understanding, through computational biology and genomics. This includes her role as co-founder and co-leader of the international Human Cell Atlas consortium initiative to map every cell type in the human body.
She has also been honoured in the 2020 Biochemical Society Awards, with the GlaxoSmithKline prize 2020. She is one of of 12 eminent scientists and exceptional early career researchers who have been chosen based on nominations from their peers, to celebrate their excellence and research achievements.
Sarah Teichmann, Wellcome Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK, Fellowship: 1997–1999
Three BIF alumni are among the 185 researchers receiving ERC Advanced Grant worth up to 3.5 million euros in the 12th call of this funding scheme. Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said at the announcement: “By supporting frontier research, the EU enables our brightest scientists to push the frontiers of knowledge for the long-term benefit of all".
With his project “SynapsBuild: Mechanisms of Presynaptic Biogenesis and Dynamic Remodeling” Volker Haucke wants to analyse human nerve cells to understand, how presynaptic vesicles and their precursors are formed and mature, how they are transported and assembled and last but not least how these processes are coordinated and regulated. Besides the ERC Advanced Grant, Volker has also been awarded the 2020 Feldberg Prize by the Feldberg Foundation. The foundation wants to promote anglo-german scientific exchange in the sphere of experimental medical research and therefore awards the prize yearly to one outstanding researchers residing in German and to one in the UK.
With his project “BrainRedesign: Redesigning brain circuits in development” Rüdiger Klein wants to understand how the amygdala helps us to learn by attaching positive or negative emotions to events and objects. He will use so-called guidance molecules to change how the neurons in the amygdala of mice connect during development. These leads to reorganized circuits, thereby transforming the innate and learned emotional behaviour of the mice.
In his project “MultiOrganelle Design: Multiple Designer Organelles for Expanded Eukaryotic life“, Edward Lemke uses designer organelles in cells engineered to have effectively two genetic codes to study so-called intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). These abundant proteins are very difficult to study due to their flexible and dynamic structure. The two genetic codes allow the researchers to incorporate fluorescent groups at specific locations in proteins. They can thus label proteins at multiple specific sites to visualize and study conformational changes of IDPs at unprecedented resolution without altering the host physiology of the cell.
Professor Volker Haucke, Director at Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP), Berlin, Germany, Fellowship: 1994–1997
Professor Rüdiger Klein, Director at Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology, Martinsried, Germany, Fellowship: 1988–1990
Professor Edward Lemke, Institute of Molecular Biology (IMB), Mainz, Germany, Fellowship: 2003–2005
The ERC has awarded two Proof of Concept (PoC) grants to BIF fellows. PoC grants are follow-up grants to verify the innovation potential of ideas arising from ERC-funded projects and bring the research results to a pre-demonstration stage. Yohanns Bellaïche will develop a computer algorithm that will teach itself to recognize when a biological phenomenon is about to occur in a sample observed via microscope. The programme can then adapt how images are taken, for example, by zooming in or taking more images per time. In his previous work funded by the ERC, Yohanns has already developed this type of “deep learning” programme to track and understand cell and tissue dynamics. The new project will widen the field of applicability to other phenomena. Christine Selhuber-Unkel has already been granted her third PoC grant in as many years. She will build synthetic blood vessel grafts that mimic natural vessels in the way they stiffen under pressure. They will be build from a material she has developed with her previous PoC grant.
Yohanns Bellaïche, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Fellowship: 1995–1998
Professor Christine Selhuber-Unkel, University of Kiel, Germany, Fellowship: 2004–2006