How to apply – travel grants

How to apply for a travel grant
Before applying, please carefully read this page as well as the travel grant conditions.
The application for a travel grant of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) consists of two parts:
- An application form on our online portal (link at end of this page) and
- A PDF upload of the respective documents outlined below to be submitted via the online portal.
The application must be written in English by the applicants themselves. Applications must be submitted to BIF the latest six weeks but no earlier than six months prior to the planned date of departure.
Information on projects or courses
Depending on whether you are applying for a research stay, a course, or a PhD candidate visit, you are asked to provide different information/documents.
- Title and summary of your current research project (BSc, MSc, PhD, MD, or postdoctoral project) focussing on aims, experimental strategy, and, if applicable, results obtained. Results must be accompanied by meaningful figures (3–5 pages plus references)
- Research stay, visit: title of planned training and detailed description of your experiments in the host laboratory (max. 3 pages) as well as the aim of the training and your reasons for wishing to work with the chosen laboratory
Course: title of course and a detailed description how the course will impact your current research - Research stay: Statement describing the connection of the planned training with your current research project and how your current laboratory will profit from your research stay.
Course: Statement describing how you and your current laboratory will profit from the course - List of your publications (if applicable).
Additional documents
- Scans of certificates of all examinations (e.g. PhD, MSc, BSc, MD) in chronological order, newest first. If their language is other than English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or Turkish, please provide a translation.
- Scans of high school diploma/secondary school leaving certificate (e.g. Abitur, Baccalaureate, A-Levels) and, where applicable, university entrance test (e.g. SAT/ACT, PAU, YGS/LYS, Joint Entrance Examination etc.). If their language is other than English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, or Turkish, please provide a translation.
- Letter of acceptance, signed and on official letterhead for:
Research stay: from the supervisor of the host laboratory stating that the host institute will cover research-related costs
Course: from the course organizers including details of tuition fees and other costs
Visit: from the supervisor of the host laboratory stating that the host institute will cover research-related costs and confirming that he/she is willing and able to offer a PhD position to you if the research stay was successful for both sides - Letter of recommendation, signed and on official letterhead:
Research stay, course: the supervisor of your current research project including his/her statement that your salary will be continued during your absence
Visit: the supervisor of your final thesis (MSc/BSc) - Evidence of expenses (PDF of quotes, no links): for travel (issued by a travel agent and/or internet agency), for economic student housing, and, if applicable, for course fees. The number of days between arrival and departure shown on the quotes may not exceed the total number of days of the course or research stay by more than two days.
Online application portal
To start your online application for a BIF travel grant please click here.