How we decide – travel grants

How we decide on applications
Applications for a Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (BIF) travel grant are selected according to their quality as reflected by these criteria:
- Applicant's achievements to date (e.g. grades)
- Originality of the current and planned research projects
- Scientific standard of the laboratories in which the applicant is presently working and where he/she is planning to work
- Relevance of the research stay to the applicant's current research project and his/her current laboratory.
Selection process
Once the application is received, it is carefully examined by the BIF's staff. They check whether it fulfils the formal requirements and evaluate it according to the criteria listed above.
The entire selection process takes about six weeks. The Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds informs the applicant immediately about the decision taken.
Please note
- Only written notifications are legally binding.
- The decisions of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds are incontestable.
- We ask for your kind understanding that due to the large number of applications, reasons for rejection cannot be given.
From Erlangen to Glasgow
"This visit provided me with the opportunity of forging links with internationally renowned scientists important to my future professional career. Furthermore, the training prepared me for a potential postdoctoral training in an English-speaking country."
Daniela Kosmides, former travel grant awardee